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NIES successfully hosts the launch event of “the 2020 Annual Report on the Vocational Education Quality in China”

   The launch event of the “2020 Annual Report on the Vocational Education Quality in China”was held in Shandong on May 21 of 2021. The report was developed by NIES under the authorization of Department of Vocational and Adult Education of Ministry of Education. Ma Tao, Vice president of NIES presented the report on behalf of the research group. 
  As Ma Tao puts it, establishing the annual reporting system of vocational education makes great contribution to improving vocational education quality. The national, provincial and school-level annual reporting system has been established since 2012. The 2020 annual report can be illustrated as the following four points: first, the main research object is junior vocational college, secondary vocational school and undergraduate-level vocational school are also included. Second, the report aims at providing an overall introduction of the development of secondary, junior and undergraduate-level vocational education ,and conducting an objective evaluation on vocational education quality by employing core indicators. It then identifies challenges encountered by vocational education. Third, the report establishes an evaluation system of vocational education including such five indicators as school conditions, teaching and learning, student development, school service and school attraction. Fourth, the report mainly employs the research data in the year of 2019 and dynamic data during the period of the 13th Five-year Plan. 
  Sun Cheng, Director of Research Center for Vocational and Continuing Education of NIES answered reporters’ questions on behalf of the research group. 
  About 130 participants, including representatives from education department at all levels, members of National Association of Heads of Higher Vocational Institutions, delegates from Higher Education Press, and well-known enterprises, attended the event.


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